After a mad run at Frankfurt airport to catch our connecting flight to Berlin, we are finally here.
It makes me glad I packed light. I got a really good workout running through Frankfurt airport. Most of the delay was at the customs inspection lines. Also, for some reason, my passport wasn't stamped and I went back to the counter to get it done. You don't want to have a long interview about why there is no record of you entering Germany when you are about to fly home.
One of the earliest smells I remember after we landed and were wandering at a mall in the morning (waiting to check in) was curry wurst.
I am told it tastes horrible. But many readers were egging me on to try it. I don't know if it is because they liked it themselves or they just want my reaction.
Berlin looks like a very austere and serious city to me. The wall, or fragments of it, is a prominent part of the art scene here.
Our driver told us that in 1961, the first 150km of the wall was erected very swiftly.
I paid 25 euros for an O2 1GB data prepaid sim (with some call time) in Berlin. It is a bit steep but we are internet junkies so we need our fix. I bought two sims because I know we will use more than 1GB in our time here.
We didn't really have a choice. The Hilton hotel we were staying in, charges 25 freaking euros per DAY for internet access. It's the 21st century, people, and internet access is as basic as running water and air-conditioning in a hotel room, so 25 euros a day is just nuts.
I saw quite a number of stylish cyclists in the city and some bike paths. I think there is a city-wide bicycle rental scheme going on here. I'm certainly going to explore the city on a bicycle in this lovely 15-20°C weather.
Now to look for some beer.