Project Almanac was a decent enough time travel yarn as long as you can take:
A) super shaky cam
B) major Microsoft product placement.
I mean, really? Kids all use Microsoft Surface tablets, Lumia phones and build time machines out of an Xbox? A bit obvious, right?
I think The Butterfly Effect is still the better movie but Project Almanac is light and entertaining fluff.
You do have to suspend disbelief in many areas. I mean, this is a found footage movie, and by that I mean the whole movie is shot like it has been edited together from video from consumer cameras. Like the movie Cloverfield.
They try to make you think there is a reason the young people in this movie are video-recording. Every. Freaking. Moment of their lives.
Sure, ok. We can accept that. But wow, their camera can zoom in from super far away and you still hear the audio of the couple talking as if they are standing next to the other teenager shooting the scene.
And the low light performance of these consumer cameras are astounding. Next to no light and you can still shoot so much detail!
I want that kind of high tech camera too.
The characters are likable enough. And we enjoyed the movie. But we did feel a little nauseous after the end credits.