Stay here in the toilet, Kim. Daddy will protect you. Again.
Taken 3 was… ok. I wish I can say it was as good as the first but it was serviceable. Not to be Taken too seriously.
The plot is like The Fugitive (Tommy Lee Jones, Harrison Ford) except with more killing and neck-snapping.
And really, by now, you'd think Bryan Mills should know how to keep his loved ones safe. But nooooo, the movie may as well be renamed Woefully Negligent Parenting.
I think the idea of having the police after him and at the same time having to deal with bad guys was interesting. But you never really saw it resolved in an artful way.
And without a clear villain, you aren't really rooting for Bryan Mills here. Who is the bad guy? Who?!
And as Liam Neeson huffed and puffed his way through some of the running scenes, you can't help but wonder if the franchise is getting somewhat tired.
Perhaps it is apt that the movie tagline is "It ends here."
Yes, please.