Yesterday, after I read the heartbreaking open letter from the father of the 14-year-old boy who committed suicide after being questioned by the police without his parents or legal counsel present, I felt an overwhelming need to send this SMS to my 12-year-old son.
"Love you, son. Have a good day at school."
He probably didn't understand why I suddenly sent him that message in the midst of his school hours, but it's ok.
I made a mental note to remind my kids that no matter what trouble they find themselves in in future, they must always feel comfortable telling us, their parents.
Much later, he replied, "Don't forget to fill up the money box. I checked the box already."
And minutes later, "Hello?"
I replied, "Ok."
May the biggest problems we ever have to talk about, be mundane things like the family petty cash box running out of money. Or sticking to the 30-minute limit of computer time. Or clearing his Legos after playing with them.
This article originally appeared on my Medium blog.