True story: Friend received a call from her bank's Relationship Manager saying she needed to update her particulars.
Then the RM proceeded to ask her if she had changed HER. DATE. OF. BIRTH.
And yes, my friend called the bank to ensure it wasn't a scam artist calling. It really was a call from their staff.
Maybe she needs to change her bank.
Other readers added their stories after I shared that on Facebook.
Eunice shared, "This tele-marketer from a formula milk brand actually asked if my baby saw a Paedophile, she actually meant Pediatrician."
Rathika M said, "A bank asked me if there was any change in my race…"
Joanna Cockle said, "That doesn't beat the time the pharmacist asked if my cat had an NRIC number."
Joanna, who was picking up her cat's asthma prescription, said that the pharmacist deadpanned, "Does your cat have an NRIC number."
[Bonus photo above by @jnaina]