Just how bad was Pacific Rim: Uprising? After the screening, a few of us fans of the first movie, had to hug each other for comfort.
It had dodgy CG and lacked Guillermo del Toro’s heart. And the sequel felt like one of those pro-China Jackie Chan movies. It may as well be titled Pacific Rim: 中国万岁.
It had its fun robot moments, but even those couldn’t make up for the rest of the movie.
John Boyega just didn’t have Idris Elba’s gravitas.
I mean, Elba could make cheesy lines like “Today, we are canceling the apocalypse!” sound epic.
At one point of the movie, Boyega says in a speech, “I am not my father…” and I found myself agreeing rigorously.
Boyega was okay when he was being witty. But when he tried to be heroic, it didn’t quite work.
And why do all the Jaegers look so alike? Macam Transformers liddat. After a while, you don’t even know which robot is which.
Chinese actress Jing Tian completes her hat trick of stinkers with The Great Wall, Kong: Skull Island, and this movie. I think the next time you see a Hollywood movie with Jing Tian in it, run.
As one of my readers, Dinesh, commented: " Looks like Jing Tian’s Hollywood career won't make it to Ming Tian."
No more sequels please. Pacific-rimmed by one sequel is enough.